11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins

WordPress is the most popular and user-friendly blogging platform. Lots of sites and blogs are powered by WordPress. People love to use WordPress, like me!

From a web developer to a normal user who has limited knowledge on development, all likes WordPress for its easy managing system. Moreover, lots of free plugins are available for extending the basic features. But it is true that, sometimes a WordPress user faces problems to choose a plugin. Problem is, which pluings will be suitable or which plugins are needed for their blog. For them, I think the following posts from different web design related blogs are most valuable.

WordPress Plugins

1. 16 Excellent WordPress Security Plugins To Secure Your Blog

It couldn’t imagine running a site that brought in some decent money a month and not taking a few minutes to secure it. From attacks like the hidden iFrame injection (Trojan virus) or even someone hacking the password and attempting to blackmail you, the work needed to fix these problems is much greater than the effort it takes to make sure it doesn’t happen to you. Google takes it very seriously if your site is spreading malware content (which you will more than likely have no clue your site is even doing it) and will post an advisory to such sites in the search engine results.

So, this post will very much help you for securing your WordPress Blog.

2. WordPress Plugins for SEO Rankings

We know that from the very beginning of creating a blog in WordPress, it’s always our desired to optimized the site for SEO Rankings. There’s a lot of plugins in WordPress for that but here you will get summarize the best SEO plugins for your blog.

3. Best 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins For WordPress

Cool Social Bookmarking menu on the blog always attracts all, moreover, it brings huge visitors for your blog. These 5 Social Bookmarking Plugins will make easier of your work.

4. WordPress Anti Spam: 12 Great WordPress Plugins To Help You Fight Spam

There are thousands of spammers flood your blog everyday, and spam comments is a serious problem for all bloggers. Everyday, we need to go through the comments and read them to make sure these comments are not spam. These spam comments not only waste our time, but also the internet bandwidth.

These 12 great WordPress anti spam plugins, which will save your time by blocking spam bots to comment on your blog, prevent them from stealing email address from your articles, and help you fight against these spam bots.

5. 15 Tips And Plugins To Monitor, Speed Up And Optimize Your WordPress Blog

In this article, you are going to look into 15 different plugins and tips to optimize your WordPress site.

6. 33 WordPress Plugins To Power Up Your Comment Section

These 33 WordPress plugins can be used effectively to power up and evolve comment form possibilities and security. If programming is not your strongest side, then such automatized plugins will be irreplaceable for your blog! If you know some more effective comment form plugins, feel free to add them in your comment section!

7. 12 Useful Facebook WordPress Plugins For Bloggers

If you are a WordPress user and looking for WordPress plugin to connect, integrate or share stuffs with Facebook, then you had came to the right place. You are getting here 12 useful WordPress Plugins for you to work with your Facebook account.

8. 35 Stylish And Modern WordPress Plugins Using jQuery UI

In this post you’ll find out about very flexible and stylish WordPress plugins, which are based on Jquery UI.

9. 8 WordPress Plugins for Page Management

Here are 8 plugins that are compatible with at least WordPress 2.5 that will allow you to change their order, make sub-pages easier to navigate, add tags and more.

10. 8 Google AdSense Plugins for WordPress

Google AdSense is one of the easiest ways to monetize your blog, but adding it to WordPress isn’t always the easiest thing to do. Many people don’t know where to put the code or how to keep track of it. Luckily there are lots of plugins that can simplify the process as well as provide more flexibility. Here are eight Google AdSense plugins for WordPress 2.5 and above.

11. 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress

If you have a site or blog based on WordPress then it is more easy to spread your site content through Twitter, because there are lots of Twitter plugins for WordPress.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Web Development News. Web Development News said: 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins: WordPress is the most popular and user-friendly blogging pl.. http://bit.ly/3C5qzv #webdevelopment […]

  2. web hosting October 6, 2009 at 4:04 am

    wow, nice lists.
    I am always confused which seo plugins to use.. that made clear

  3. Decent Banners October 6, 2009 at 5:22 am

    Nice compilation of useful plugins 🙂

  4. […] 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins […]

  5. 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins…

    From a web developer to a normal user who has limited knowledge on development, all likes WordPress for its easy managing system. Problem is, which pluings will be suitable or which plugins are needed for their blog. For them, the following posts from …

  6. Dan October 6, 2009 at 11:17 pm

    Great plugins. In the middle of working on my blog. Thanks!

  7. […] the original post: 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins – Geek Sucks Comments0 Leave a Reply Click here to cancel […]

  8. Bariski | TutZone.net October 8, 2009 at 8:51 am

    Furst of all thanks for the include buddy, appreciated! And secondly very nice list indeed. I was missing two among them.

  9. […] 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins […]

  10. […] 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins […]

  11. […] See the original post: 11 Great Post on WordPress Plugins – Showcases – Geek Sucks […]

  12. Ivan December 1, 2009 at 2:59 pm

    Great wp plugin collection!

  13. technology July 12, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    wow, nice lists.