5 Great Examples of Responsive Web Design from Financial Industry

Your business certainly doesn’t have to be creative or over-familiar with IT to operate a fantastically responsive website. Web design is a key part of any business these days, whether you sell shoes or provide an e-wallet service.

Here are just 5 examples of great responsive web design elements found on sites from the financial industry:

Simple Bank

Simple Bank
Simple Bank’s main mission is to provide customers with a less than traditional or ordinary banking experience, so as you would expect, they offer up to date services like mobile banking. As a result, their website is designed with mobile users in mind. The site is consistent as the screen is resized and rotated on different devices – it’s also much more streamlined and less formal looking than most banking websites.

Ossian State Bank

Ossian State Bank
The aim of Ossian State Bank is to provide a simple and clear cut banking experience for customers. The concise branding and uncluttered homepage showcase just the right of information which is clearly displayed on PC, tablet and smartphone. Having said that, the mobile site is better for those already part of the bank wanting to access the mobile banking features rather than someone shopping around for a new account or savings option.

PNC Virtual Wallet

PNC Virtual Wallet
The PNC Virtual Wallet website takes a different and slightly more interesting approach to web design with a website that alters as it changes from desktop to mobile version rather than opting for consistency. The main trend has been to offer a responsive design which leaves a desktop site noticeably mobile-looking, but this brand turns that notion on its head. It uses a lot of imagery and design techniques often found in sites belonging to businesses in a more creative sector, yet there are headings and options in the mobile site which don’t appear in the desktop version and vice versa.

Kiwi Bank

Kiwi Bank
This unmistakably New Zealand bank takes a direct approach to its design, with minimal copy, big images and sliding graphics. There’s a clear focus on the visual, from block colours and big images to the attention to typography which is so prominent. Huge infographics tell you all you need to know about how great this bank is, why you should join them/stay with them and the like. The site blends well into mobile from a desktop version, and as such works well to attract new customers to the bank as well as act as a highly functional mobile banking tool.

Delta Lloyd

Delta Lloyd
This site perfectly blends basic web usability with modern design trends and processes. There are lots of clickable buttons and tabs mixed with easy navigation and a clear content hierarchy which you can tell has been created with mobile in mind. This site offers gold IRA investments, and through their highly responsive functioning site, it won’t be difficult for you to find out more on your mobile device.

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