32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress

Twitter is a recent time craze for communicate with each other. And Twitter is not only so much valuable for interacting with your friends or community but it is also a great media for marketing your service.

If you have a site or blog based on WordPress then it is more easy to spread your site content through Twitter, because there are lots of Twitter plugins for WordPress. Here I gathered, 32 useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress users, hope these will help you and make you smile.

Twitter Plugins for WordPress

1. Twitter for WordPress: Twitter for WordPress displays yours latest tweets in your WordPress blog. The plugin is easily customizable and only uses WordPress resources, no extra files needed.

2. WordPress Twitter Widget: Useing the Javascript, adds a sidebar widget to display Twitter updates. It’s not sophisticated and there’s only 3 configuration options: Twitter account name, widget title and number of updates you want shown.

3. Twire: This plugin will extend Buddypress to have Twitter and BuddyPress combined to get a Twire.

4. WP Twitter Pitch: WP-TwitterPitch is all about getting the pitch delivered to you in the form you want to get it delivered – in other words in Twitter format.

5. Twitter Blaster: Twitter Blaster is a plugin that will allow your visitors to post to your Twitter account. Once installed it, your users can update your Twitter. Twitter Blaster will post the users submission as a pending post. Thrn you can approve them as a twitter update and/or a post. You can also delete any spam post.

6. Twitter style links: If you write something like “@grayme, how are you?” this plugin will search for @grayme’s url in the comment list of the current post and will convert his/her name to a link.

7. Twitter Feed: The control functions such as connecting to a Twitter account and storing information on the tweets/blogs, can be accessed through the “Twitter Control” in the WordPress admin panel. Any changes in the currently active Twitter account tweets can be immediately updated by clicking on the “Update Blogs” button.

8 Twitter Updater: This plugin will let you automatically update your Twitter.com status with your most recent blog post. There are a few options to how the display will look when it updates.

9. Post to Twitter: Post to Twitter is a plugin that creates a complete integration between your WordPress blog and your Twitter account. Post to Twitter is a very simple WordPress’s plugin to send your post to your Twitter account. Just install the plugin, configure your Twitter account, set your custom tweet prefix and star to post.

10. Tweet Suite: TweetSuite, a Twitter-WordPress integration plugin that includes with TweetBacks, ReTweet- This buttons for each TweetBack, digg-like tweet-this button, automatic tweeting of new posts, most-tweeted widget, recently-tweeted widget, my-last-tweets widget, my-favorited-tweets widget etc features.

11. Twitter Links: This plugin will convert valid Twitter usernames mentioned in comments into a link to their Twitter profile page.

12. Top Twitter Links: Widget that displays currently popular links that have been tweeted.

13.Thread Twitter: Thread Twitter fetch your tweets and display them in thread style.

14. WP Widget: Twitter: Twitter Widget displays your tweets on your sidebar. There’s lots of switches to tuen on/off what you want to display.

15. CommentTweets: This plugin reminds the blog reader of their comment when a follow-up comment is created. It sends an @reply to the blog reader with at link to the relevant blog post through your own twitter account or an account created for this purpose.

16. Twitter It: With this plugin an user has the ability to twitter a article that he is your site. So just place the “Twitter it!” template-tag next to your article and every user who reads your article and wants to twitter it all over the web just has to click the “Twitter it!” link.

17. Twitter ReTweet: By using the plugin you could use to output a basic, stylable link anywhere on a WordPress post or page which, when clicked, would allow visitors to quickly and easily ReTweet the current post.

18. Twitter Digest: This plugin uses the pseudo-cron facility available in WordPress to publish a daily post of tweets from the previous day. It is based on Alex King’s Twitter Tools.

19. unfake.it URL shortener for Twitter Tools: unfake.it URL shortener Plugin for Twitter Tools gets an URL as inbound parameter, shortens it by using unfake.it API and sends back the shortened URL as outbound return string.

20. Twitter Poster: The Twitter Poster allows wordpress publishers to automatically post their new posts to their Twitter account. It will take the title of a new post and will submit it to the Twitter account specified in the options. It will also add the link back to the post, allowing your twitter followers to access the post details.

21. Add Twitter RSS: It is a simple plugin that adds your Twitter RSS link to the header of your blog. It allows your readers to easily find your Twitter feed.

22. Twitter Remote Widget: A simple plugin to display the twitter remote widget on your blog.

23. Fresh From FriendFeed and Twitter: Keeps your blog always fresh by regularly adding your latest and greatest content from FriendFeed or Twitter. No external passwords required!

24. Twitter Tag: It adds a Twitter @username in your blog post and automatically create a link to that users Twitter page and send a tweet telling them that they’ve been tagged in one of your posts. It uses Tiny URL to include a URL to the blog post in the tweet.

25. Twitter User: Twitter User is a simple plugin which adds an additional field to the authors profile in which they can add their twitter username.

26. Twitter Friends Widget: Twitter Friends is displays your Twitter friends/ followers in your sidebar in the same way that they appear on your Twitter homepage.

27. Advanced Twitter Widget: Simpler, better, more effective. you can choose to post the twitter updates of your/any account or…. post search results… so far it’s simple and dynamic.. 2 in 1.. hopefully we will update with 3 or who knows what else.

28. Multiple Twitter Widgets: Allows for multiple twitter widgets to be displayed.

29. Twitter News Feed: The plugin has a specific use case, that is to import tweets from defined Twitter users containing specific hashtags into WordPress.

30. TwitterCounter: Allows you to integrate TwitterCounter.com badges on your blog to display how many follows you have on Twitter.

31. TweetMeme: The TweetMeme button easily allows your blog to be retweeted. The button also provides a current count of how many times your story has been retweeted throughout twitter.

32. Add Twitter Link to Comments: This is a plugin that adds a twitter link to comments if the comment author uses an email connected to a twitter account.

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  1. […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress – Geek Sucks Related Posts:10 Quality Twitter Apps and ScriptsTweet This, a WordPress Plugin for Twitter […]

  2. 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress…

    Here I gathered, 32 useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress users, hope these will help you and make you smile.ould be caused by a misconfiguration, or possibly a malformed request….

  3. […] original here: 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress – Geek Sucks Tweet This Or Share Through Other Social […]

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  5. […] See the article here: 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress – Geek Sucks […]

  6. hasse hansen August 20, 2009 at 9:55 am

    maybe take a look at my little post2twitter wordpress plugin, which posts to twitter when you’re publishing a blog post.


  7. JoSe August 20, 2009 at 2:45 pm

    I would like to add two excellent plugins not present in this article:
    Joe Dolson´s WP to Twitter: http://www.joedolson.com/articles/wp-to-twitter/

    Alex King´s Twitter tools: http://alexking.org/blog/2009/08/03/twitter-tools-2-0

  8. […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress […]

  9. […] In: WordPress plugins 20 Aug 2009 Go to Source […]

  10. Shabu August 21, 2009 at 4:36 am

    @ JoSe – Thanks for your addition.

  11. […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress […]

  12. Mes favoris du 20-08-09 au 21-08-09 August 21, 2009 at 9:15 am

    […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress – Geek Sucks – […]

  13. […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins For WordPress (geeksucks.com) […]

  14. V.C August 28, 2009 at 6:10 am

    I hate twitter tool which created by alex king.
    It maintains too much plugin inside =.=

  15. Herrin August 31, 2009 at 9:28 am

    Cool list but would be even better to get your recommendation as to which ones are the most useful and supported too.

    Lots of information and lists like this are great but it still leaves the question “Which one should I use?” Sure that depends on what I need it to do but surely you have used some of these?

  16. […] do Twitter, porque existem muitos plugins Twitter para WordPress. Nosso amigo Faisal Raj do site GEEK Sucks, fez uma lista com os 32 Twitter Plugins mais úteis para os usuários do WordPress, espero que […]

  17. […] 32 Twitter Plugins für WordPress […]

  18. WordPress Plugins | Remgo Design October 8, 2009 at 7:32 pm

    […] then it is more easy to spread your site content through Twitter, because there are lots of Twitter plugins for WordPress. Search […]

  19. TwitterFools November 11, 2009 at 10:34 pm

    I think we can help you get your list up to 33. We release the TwitterFools Trending Topics WP Plugin a few month ago. It places a widget in your sidebar that displays the trending topics on twitter as well as the reasons why a topic trends. Grab it here: http://www.twitterfools.com/news/plugin-update-twitterfools-trending-topics-v1-0-2/

  20. […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress […]

  21. Dzinepress June 1, 2010 at 1:59 pm

    really useful WP plugins for better usage of twitter.

  22. Jimmy June 12, 2010 at 5:58 pm

    I like the Twitter Tools plugin for announcing new blog posts

  23. Grace July 3, 2010 at 3:46 am

    Thanks so much for this tool list. I just installed two of them #30 and #31 — so cool. Still learning and this was so helpful for me. Will def read up on some of the others.

  24. twitter unfollow September 4, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    How is it going you most definitely have got yourself a good looking web site The only part about it I do not care for is all of the junk comments

  25. Mason Adams October 6, 2010 at 4:51 pm

    i love to microblog that is why i am very addicted to Twit my daily activities;~:

  26. Melatonin Side Effects  October 20, 2010 at 10:53 pm

    i love to use Twitter specially when i want to broadcast my day to day activities’;~

  27. […] 32 Extremely Useful Twitter Plugins for WordPress […]

  28. Grzegorz December 6, 2010 at 6:21 pm

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  29. Digital Capacitor January 25, 2011 at 3:48 pm

    ,~” I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives useful information -‘:

  30. Pinball Machines Review January 30, 2011 at 3:44 pm

    Hey Raj, thank you for putting this EXTREME list man! I like it; you know most twitter plugins do posting on twitter or shows a widget on wordpress sidebar. Thanks to feedburner, we can post new articles on twitter without a plugin and then the twitter widget can be used in the sidebar, so no plugin needed so far. I like the new plugin “tweet and like” that puts twitter and facebook button next to your posts.