62 Gorgeous Visually Attractive Twitter Backgrounds

For the daily web users, it is sure that I don’t need to recognize them with twitter; they already know that how powerful free social networking it is. It is one of the most powerful social media tool that allows its users to send and read other users’ updates. There is no doubt that Twitter has expanded exponentially in the last year and still, it’s increasing its popularity like crazy. From web developer to normal user everybody loves to use it.

But a designer or creative person try or represent him different. So, many designers and creatives make use of illustrations and images in their twitter background to attract the viewers’ concentration. In previous, I made a showcase of 22 Websites for Free Twitter Backgrounds, which was one of the most popular post of my blog. Today here I gathered 62 really gorgeous visually attractive Twitter Backgrounds which uses different illustration lovers. Oh, never forget me to follow me in twitter.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ArtsHunthunt and faisal raj, Shabu Anower. Shabu Anower said: RT @geeksucks 62 Gorgeous Visually Attractive Twitter Backgrounds – Showcases – Geek Sucks http://bit.ly/9FtDCv […]

  2. […] 62 Gorgeous Visually Attractive Twitter Backgrounds […]

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  4. […] 62 Gorgeous Visually Attractive Twitter Backgrounds […]

  5. Ravikumar V. June 16, 2010 at 6:10 am

    really nice collections though I am not a twitter user I like the way people using it in creative ways…

  6. […] 62 Gorgeous Visually Attractive Twitter Backgrounds […]

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