45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page

“404 error page” – A common term to every internet users. But do you know from where it comes. In an office on the fourth floor (Room 404), an ambitious group of young scientists at CERN (Switzerland) located the World Wide Web’s central database. When the record of database started to increase, not only the amount of requests grew, but also increased the amount of requests that could not be fulfilled. Generally it occurs, because of requested a file in the incorrect name. Soon these error requests were replied with a regular message: “Room 404: file not found”. From where we get our today’s “404 error page”.

But today the error message is not bounded within a simple message, now this message comes with various visual presentations. Here you can see some great examples of this “404 error page” done by great designers.

1. Spring Load

404 Error Page

2. CSS Remix

404 Error Page

3. Get Song Bird

404 Error Page

4. Lileks

404 Error Page

5. Creation Thing

404 Error Page

6. Look its Me

404 Error Page

7. 501st

404 Error Page

8. Tix02

404 Error Page

9. Martin Korner

404 Error Page

10. Mundofox

404 Error Page

11. J Huskisson

404 Error Page

12. Pattern Tap

404 Error Page

13. Twin Px

404 Error Page

14. Spore

404 Error Page

15. South Park Studios

404 Error Page

16. Blue Daniel

404 Error Page

17. CSS Tricks

404 Error Page

18. Zanami

404 Error Page

19. Light Post Creative

404 Error Page

20. Frye Wiles

404 Error Page

21. Gog

404 Error Page

22. Mark Fennell

404 Error Page

23. Sponge Bob

404 Error Page

24. Sure Dev

404 Error Page

25. Surfing on Static

404 Error Page

26. Digiguru

404 Error Page

27. Leap Any Where

404 Error Page

28. Agens

404 Error Page

29. Porcupine

404 Error Page

30. Chris Glass

404 Error Page

31. Gadies

404 Error Page

32. Red Tag

404 Error Page

33. Home Star Runner

404 Error Page

34. Amorphia Apparel

404 Error Page

35. D20srd

404 Error Page

36. Dundee Living

404 Error Page

37. Fotolia

404 Error Page

38. Retard Zone

404 Error Page

39. Zivity

404 Error Page

40. i Folder Links

404 Error Page

41. 24-7 Media

404 Error Page

42. Warhammer Online

404 Error Page

43. Limpfish

404 Error Page

44. Apartment Home Living

404 Error Page

45. Acromediainc

404 Error Page

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  1. […] the rest here:  45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page – Showcases … […]

  2. […] R­ead­ m­or­e her­e: 45 Funny Grap­h­ical­ P­res­entatio­­n o­­f 404 Erro&#1… […]

  3. Glow Girl August 9, 2009 at 5:48 pm

    Most amusing (and inspiring!) Thanks!

  4. […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation Of 404 Error Page […]

  5. […] Visit Source. […]

  6. 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page…

    Today the error message is not bounded within a simple message, now this message comes with various visual presentations. Here you can see some great examples of this “404 error page” done by great designers….

  7. Darlanne August 9, 2009 at 9:29 pm

    GREAT list. I’m loving the Limpfish one, hilariously clever!

  8. […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page […]

  9. Danh ba web 2.0 August 10, 2009 at 9:41 am

    Great collection. Keep up
    See more 404 error page in my blog: http://www.danhbaweb20.com/?p=316

  10. Tatort August 10, 2009 at 10:06 am

    What did you mean about my 404: http://tatort-fans.de/404 a german Webpage about Tator a german TV Show since 1970

  11. Torbjoern Karlevid August 10, 2009 at 11:19 am

    Great ones! “Whoops looks like we lost one!” is the best one. Keep it up.

  12. Rejis August 10, 2009 at 12:02 pm

    Thanks Faisal. Great collections

  13. ed1nh0 August 10, 2009 at 12:55 pm

    Very cool! Everyone has it particular context very well applied… long life to designers!

  14. […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page […]

  15. John Simperton August 10, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    I also liked this 404:


  16. TalkVietnam August 11, 2009 at 1:23 am

    Thank for sharing. So funny!

  17. Zoran August 11, 2009 at 6:23 am

    Nice collection!

    Check this 404 page on my portfolio website: http://www.zoranperin.com/qwertz

  18. darkwind August 11, 2009 at 8:55 am


    we have new 404 page in style of TV show Heroes

  19. boossacsou August 11, 2009 at 12:38 pm

    it’s a great list of amazing 404 pages !!

  20. L0nely^C0wboy August 11, 2009 at 2:27 pm

    lol… cool collection! keep it up

  21. The Pirate Bay y su 404 | Incognitosis August 11, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    […] muchos sitios web en una seña de identidad. En este enlace que vi hace poquito hay nada menos que 45 páginas de error 404 graciosas, así que podéis echarle un vistazo para […]

  22. Jasmin Halkić August 12, 2009 at 6:44 am

    Cool and funny 😉

  23. Du fun dans vos pages 404 - taggle.org August 12, 2009 at 9:36 am

    […] Moment de détente avec ces 45 pages d’erreur 404 décontractées […]

  24. Khürt Williams August 12, 2009 at 10:41 am

    These are great. Thanks for sharing.

  25. Emmanuel DEMEY August 12, 2009 at 8:32 pm

    beautiful collection! thanks very much!

  26. Tractr Agency 404 August 13, 2009 at 3:51 am

    This is our 404: http://tractr.net/404

  27. tripwire magazine | tripwire magazine August 13, 2009 at 5:39 am

    […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page […]

  28. Alexandre Tomic August 13, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    Nice examples.
    Smashing Magazine made 3 articles about the subject (google “404 not found smashing magazine” to find them).
    Here is our contribution to this “exercice de style” as we say in french (we’ve used the character we’ve designed for our logo):

  29. […] hat lustige 404er Seiten gesammelt, muss schon sagen, einige geniale Ideen sind dabei […]

  30. […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 error page […]

  31. […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page […]

  32. textures collection | WebDesignExpert.Me August 20, 2009 at 9:09 am

    […] 45 funny graphical presentations of 404 web pages –  GeekSucks. […]

  33. Pampli August 26, 2009 at 11:29 am

    The gallery is great, but the story about the alleged “Room 404” is absurd. It must be a fake. The response codes in the internet protocols are made to be classified. The first “4” digit means that this is an error code, and the “04” means that is the fouth type of error in the protocol specs. Other prefixes are: “1” informational, “2” success, “3” redirection, etc… Is absurd to think that “404” was a room number.

  34. Faisal Raj August 27, 2009 at 7:54 am

    @ – Pampli – I got the history information of “404 error page” from http://www.room404.com/page.php?pg=homepage

  35. Fernado September 4, 2009 at 6:56 am

    I came across this funny one too:

  36. SAP September 16, 2009 at 9:14 am
  37. […] 45 funny 404 error pages […]

  38. […] 45 Funny Graphical Presentation of 404 Error Page […]

  39. […] pages shows. In the previous post we have made a showcase of 45 funny graphical presentation of 404 error pages. I think like previous post the visitors of GeekSucks will also love this post. Because I have […]

  40. Esteban July 16, 2010 at 4:17 am

    I loved the idea of create my own 404 page, and I made a game about it


    hope you like it 🙂

  41. Ivan Minic August 9, 2010 at 3:49 pm
  42. 天亮天黑 January 6, 2011 at 2:48 am

    very cool !!!!!!!!