15 WordPress Video Plugins to Boost-up your Blog

Video blogging is one of the newly addition in blogging world. These types of blogging attract all. Everyperson wants to see anything visually. For that, now video post or any kind of video in your blog attracts all.

So most of the blogger are now going toward the integration of video in their blog. Here I made a post for the WordPress blogger to easy integration of video in their blog.

1. Embedded Video

The plugin is made for easily embedding videos into a blog post. The videos can be integrated from external portals (like YouTube, Google Video and many many others) or they can be uploaded to the web server or a remote server and integrated as well.

2. Viper’s Video Quicktags

Tired of copying and pasting the embed HTML from sites like YouTube? Then this plugin is for you. You can fully configure how the videos are displayed (width, height, colors, alignment on the page) and much more. Your site will even stay (X)HTML valid unlike with the code provided by most video sites.

3. Riffly Webcam Video Comments

Riffly is a free service that easily plugs into your site allowing visitors to create video and audio comments.

4. WordPress Video Plugin

A filter for WordPress that allows easy video embedding of supported sites. A lot of video sites are supported by it.

5. Flash Video Player

The flash video plugin for WordPress allows the addition of video (and other media) to a WordPress website using standards-compliant markup and the leading open source software (Jeroen Wijering’s FLV Player and Geoff Stearns’ SWFObject Javascript Library).

6. Vodpod Videos Widget

The Vodpod plugin allows you to collect videos from thousands of sites on the Net, and put them in your blog with an interactive gallery. You can set up your gallery so that it displays the most recent videos you’ve collected, or a more specific selection of videos, arranged in a specific order.

7. Video Widget

Add more than 25 types of video in your sidebar. Only video Id is required (no HTML code to paste).

8. All in One Video Pack

This is not just another video embed tool – it includes every functionality you might need for video and rich-media, including the ability to upload/ record/import videos directly to your post, edit and remix content with an online video editor, enable video responses, manage and track your video content, create playlists and much more.

9. Post video players slideshow

One professional plugin handles all your multimedia needs for Free. This content gallery creates an automated, fully customizable image gallery, slideshows, video and music playlists anywhere within your WordPress site.

10. Vodpod Video Gallery

This plugin is based on Vodpod and creates a video gallery from a Vodpod account. Vodpod is a great tool for collecting videos. You can download a browser toolbar so that all you have to do is click a button when you are viewing a video and it will insert it into your Vodpod account, which will then allow it to appear in your WordPress gallery automatically.

11. Simple Video Embedder

Easily embed video within your posts. Adds a widget to the posting screen that enables you to post videos by simply providing the URL to the video hosted on common video sharing websites.

12. Smart Video Plus

The ideal comes platform for hosting a video site, it will automatically turn your normal WP blog into a full & powerful video CMS allowing you to embed videos from any video website that allows embedding without having to use embed tokens, it comes complete with an admin panel to add videos that will display on your blog like a video website, it also uses JS & ajax to display the video content on your blogs.

13. Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin

The Automatic Youtube Video Posts Plugin automatically imports YouTube videos from any YouTube account, creates posts for them and publishes them or creates a post draft according to your settings. You are also able to automatically update your twitter status posting the new WordPress video post using text you specify.

14. FLASH Video Player Plugin

Easy to install FLV Video Player Plugin comes with complete control on player through admin panel, with fantastic support.

15. WP Video Tutor

WP Video Tutor puts video tutorials in the help section of the WordPress Admin Panel. This enables Administrators to see a video tutorial about the page they are on in their Admin Panel by clicking on the help tab.

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  1. […] more here: 15 WordPress Video Plugins to Boost-up your Blog – Showcases – Geek Sucks Tags: […]

  2. John Mitnick August 22, 2010 at 2:51 am

    I think u r missing one of the best one: Proplayer. Check it out: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/proplayer

  3. Faisal Abdullah August 27, 2010 at 10:07 am

    Thank you pal.I love your collection.

  4. Childmonster September 8, 2010 at 6:18 am

    Great !! im looking them. thanks

  5. Tiyo Kamtiyono September 10, 2010 at 2:24 am

    I’ve just sucked at this case several weeks ago, and after reading this useful post all the things feel so good, thanks for this good list of plugins.

  6. disabled October 30, 2010 at 2:54 am

    does anyone know of a plugin like riffly, but a free version – something that lets wp contributors upload video and then the site would put all moderated video into a gallery?

  7. Brett Widmann January 17, 2011 at 2:14 am

    This is a great collection of plugins. I think i may use a few of these!

  8. Praveen February 6, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Hi all,

    Check out my plugin for video gallery, Cool Video Gallery – Video Gallery plugin with option to upload videos, manage them in multiple galleries and option for playback. More features coming soon!!!

