12 Awesome WordPress SlideShow Plugins

Everyone love to see image on any website and if it is a slideshow people like to see it much. Furthermore, perfect use of slide show gives gorgeousness to a site. And why the WordPerss users will stay away from the use of slide show.

I got some magnificent looking WordPress plugins for slideshow which I showcase in here. Hope the WordPerss users will love to use these.

1. WordPress Gallery Slideshow

NextGen Gallery plugin is a small plugin with less configuration settings and no extra tables for the WordPress Database. Straightforwardness should be the guide for the adventure of raising this plugin. It is just a Slideshow to set your images in the right context. Nothing more nothing less.

2. WordPress Plugin: iSlidex

iSlidex is a WordPress Plugin that will showcase, in an elegant and minimal way (the Apple way), images taken from posts in a specific category. It is indeed a slideshow plugin, completely automated once you set the number of slides you would like to feature, the size and the category from where iSlidex will pull the images. iSlidex comes also with a widget, which can be set independently from the main slider, from the same settings page, however recommend the use of the plugin only inside big sidebars, in order to be displayed in the best way.

3. (a)Slideshow

This plugin and widget allows you to create dynamic, controllable slideshows or presentations for your website.

4. Sponsors Slideshow Widget

This plugin is designed to be used as sponsor’s slide show widget. It can show a certain link category as slide show in the sidebar, using the jQuery Cycle Plugin. It automatically excludes the chosen slideshow category from the WordPress internal links widget. Below is a list of options.

5. Google AJAX Feed Slide Show Widget

This is a WordPress widget that displays a photo slide show using Media RSS as a source. It uses Google AJAX Feed API Slide Show. You can easily display a slide show from photo feeds from all popular sites, such as Expono, PhotoBucket, Flickr, and Picasa Web Albums.

6. Vertical scroll Image Slideshow Gallery

This plug-in will make the vertical scrolling image slideshow gallery at side sidebar widget. It is simple, easy installation and Easy slideshow size (width & height) override option.

7. WP Content Slideshow

WP Content Slideshow shows up to 5 Posts in a very nice and powerful Javascript Slideshow. On the left side of the Slideshow it displays an image for every post. On the right side, there are all the titles (and a small description under the Title) of the Posts. The Slideshow highlights the active Post and repeats automatically after getting to the 5th Post. You have a powerful administration area to adjust the category, the number of posts, the width and height, and many colors for the Slideshow!

8. Xili Floom Slideshow

For integration inside wordpress, Xili-floom-slideshow can be awesome! It tries to install it automatically but also allows personalization. Xili-floom-slideshow inserts the javascript and CSS file inside the header of the theme. The images attached (but not inserted) to a post (or a page) are listed for the slideshow. And after adding a [xilifloom] shortcode inside the content of the post, the slideshow of the images of the gallery are automatically displayed.

9. Portfolio Slideshow

A shortcode that inserts a clean and simple jQuery + cycle powered slideshow of all image attachments on a post or page.

10. Global-flash-galleries

Ready-made harmonic color layouts are offered in this plugin. It is possible to preview a gallery created from several albums in a convenient mode of slide show (full size) or in thumbnails (streaming tape). It’s easy with Global Flash Galleries to create different galleries from numerous grouped albums even if you don’t have much experience in it. There are many various and apprehensible settings and styles with which you can easily change the size of images preserving its original proportion and put the required tags.

11. Featured Posts Slideshow

Featured Posts slideshow shows as many post images as you want. It displays a certain image for every post of a category that you have defined. You can slide through your slideshow with the help of nice navigation buttons. The images are directly linked to the specific WordPress post.

12. GRAND Flash Album Gallery

With Grand FlA Gallery you can: upload unlimited number of pictures for your slideshow galleries and albums; customize color of all the user controls and background for embedded flash skin to fit your blog colors and can change width and height of flash or leave width 100% to fit your blog.

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  1. Shambix April 4, 2010 at 4:53 pm

    Hey thanks for featuring our WordPress plugin iSlidex, hope you like it! 🙂

  2. […] 12 Awesome WordPress SlideShow Plugins Submitted by Nirhana […]

  3. […] Continued here: 12 Awesome WordPress SlideShow Plugins – Showcases – Geek Sucks […]

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  6. Raghib suleman April 21, 2010 at 6:28 am

    Hi thanks for sharing…

  7. […] Read the original post: 12 Awesome WordPress SlideShow Plugins […]

  8. SEO Tips May 16, 2010 at 4:30 pm

    Cool. Thanks for sharing. Will experiment some of these.

  9. Jay June 6, 2010 at 4:25 am

    Thanks for the post!

    I’m trying to find two specific sliders.

    1. A footer slider like on the demo version of the content slideshow site on your list to showcase blog logos (just like on their site).

    2 A news slider that showcases a horizontal row of thumbnails/post titles to highlight blog posts.

    Any ideas?

  10. […] via 12 Awesome WordPress SlideShow Plugins – Showcases – Geek Sucks. […]

  11. John July 10, 2010 at 4:08 am

    hey Jay, this plugin has what your looking for

    slideshowplugin . com

  12. Webgirl July 19, 2010 at 9:59 pm

    Great post, really saved me a lot of time in searching through all the many out there.

  13. denbagus July 28, 2010 at 2:10 am

    nice post. thank you

  14. sam August 26, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Hello friends..
    Am looking for a little help from you, i have to implement a slide show which will show more than one post/page (image) at a time. i.e. the layout is such that the place alloted to the slide show can accommodate 3 images side to side, and i would like each image to be pulled from a different post/page.
    How can i do this? is there any plugin that goes with the requirement.
    Thanks in advance

  15. kalpana September 23, 2010 at 6:59 am

    i got new ideas.thank you.

  16. Tauranga October 2, 2010 at 1:50 am

    This is exactly what i needed – this has save me installing and uninstalling plugins till i get the one i need!

    thank you thank you thank you!

  17. angga November 17, 2010 at 6:16 am

    hi, I want to add slideshow affiliate links/images/deals into sidebar with navigation so visitors can scroll it. please let me know which plugin works best for it?

  18. Brett Widmann November 26, 2010 at 2:34 am

    This is a really nice collection. Thanks for sharing.

  19. Unwired December 13, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    Thanks for this great tip. I will try to use the WP Content slideshow…:)

  20. Aaron Dwyer December 26, 2010 at 9:01 pm

    Good round up of slideshow plugins. Saved me some time, looking around. Aaron

  21. seo services delhi January 15, 2011 at 8:24 pm

    thank you for such a compiles list, i am going to use GRAND Flash Album Gallery on my blog. Thank you again so much 🙂

  22. MediaChandlerDesign January 20, 2011 at 8:23 am

    Nice list.. Slidedeck looks nice.. they have a free version but you can’t easily remove credit link or logo from bottom… the Pro version looks awesome… just out of my range really… but the features are sure sweet though….

  23. tax disc holder January 22, 2011 at 10:39 pm

    Excellent thanks, this is a better alternative to the free photo blog templates.

  24. Rick February 5, 2011 at 11:08 am

    This is a good list. slideshowplugin.com has a lot more features if your looking for a commercial plusing

  25. Dan February 9, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    Can you suggest a wordpress slideshow where I can have the image next to text. I have a sports blog and something like that would be great. An added benefit would be if the user could control when the slide changes. Thanks

  26. Naperville Wedding Photography February 11, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    Exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks for the post!

  27. Dorik February 25, 2011 at 2:31 pm

    http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/oqey-gallery/ this is the latest one, very cool, just try it.

  28. Rick March 16, 2011 at 8:38 am

    http://www.slideshowplugin.com has added a bunch new wordpress slideshow features