10 Cool WordPress Plugins for Ratings

Rating is one of the most exciting parts of a website. It is enjoyable for both of admin and visitors and also measured the popularity of post or comments. And the most interesting news is that like lots of exciting features WordPress support this feature very easily. There are varieties of WordPress Plugins for Rating; for example, there are rating plugins for posts, pages and even for comments. Here I gathered 10 mostly usable and rocking Rating plugins of WordPress.

WordPress Ratings

1. WP-PostRatings

All the information (general, changelog, installation, upgrade, usage) you need about this plugin can be found here: WP-PostRatings Readme. It is the exact same readme.html is included in the zip package. – Download

2. GD Star Rating

GD Star Rating plugin allows you to set up rating and review system for posts, pages and comments in your blog. You can set many options for displaying the rating stars, and add widgets into the sidebars for displaying top ratings and other statistics generated by the plugin. Plugin includes advanced settings panels that will allow you to control many aspects of rating. – Download

3. Post Star Rating

Post Star Rating is a plugin that allows blog users to rate posts in a classic five stars way. – Download

4. Star Rating for Reviews

Star Rating for Reviews is a simple WordPress plugin that inserts pretty rating stars based on the score you assign using intuitive, inline [rating:] tags. It can also calculate and output overall ratings for you based on all previous scores you have assigned, useful for reviews that have multiple categories or an album review where each track is assigned a score. – Download

5. PollDaddy Polls & Ratings

The PollDaddy Polls plugin allows you to create and manage polls and ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. – Download

6. Xavin’s Review Ratings

This plugin adds a shortcode tag that will display a rating in one of several formats. – Download

7. Visitor Like/Dislike Post Rating

Let your visitors rate your posts, using simple AJAX and jQuery to update the posts’ ratings dynamically. Visitors can either like or dislike your posts, which should provide you with simple, yet constructive, feedback of the content you include in your posts. – Download

8. Mombly Review Rating

Mombly Review Ratings allow you to easily insert ratings for your reviews on your wordpress blogs. The format to add a rating is simply just [Rating:3.5/5]. You can even use your own pictures for the stars of the ratings. There is also text support for RSS feeds. – Download

9. Comment Rating

Comment Rating makes “user moderated content” possible. This plugin automatically embeds clickable images in comments using simple AJAX javascript (no heavy jQuery) to allow visitors rate comments in Like vs. Dislike fashion. The votes are displayed along with the comments in either two numbers, one combined, or both. – Download

10. Comment Rating Widget

This plugin is an add on to the Comment Rating plugin (version 2.9.0 or later). It displays ratings along with the most recent comments in the sidebar in formats of your design. The comment rating and images on display can be “Likes only”, “Dislikes only”, or Both. – Download

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Web Design News, ArtsHunthunt. ArtsHunthunt said: RT @geeksucks 10 Cool WordPress Plugins for Ratings – Showcases – Geek Sucks http://bit.ly/7wLJUJ […]

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  4. Maverick January 18, 2010 at 11:31 am

    hey faisal thanks for compiling this list.

  5. Puddles Of Ink January 30, 2010 at 8:33 am

    Hey, thanks for such and awesome list.

  6. […] here: 10 Cool WordPress Plugins for Ratings – Showcases – Geek Sucks Tags: plugins, […]

  7. sadri February 25, 2010 at 7:54 pm

    Thanks for the list.

  8. […] More Here… […]

  9. ainsurance May 10, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    Useful list, thanks..
    I am actually using the first one, Lester Chan’s rating plugin, which has a very light code and it’s easy to use.

  10. technology July 12, 2010 at 12:43 pm

    Thanks for the list.

  11. eka July 20, 2010 at 11:23 am

    thanks for sharing. nice post :p

  12. 9 Little Bees July 31, 2010 at 1:33 pm

    Have to say that the top item on the list – WP-PostRatings – works with WP v. 3.0, just be aware that after activating and fiddling in the settings, you have to insert some code into any php files – see the below link and click on the “Usage” link in the top right corner. Could be easier to find, but at least it’s there!


    Great list and thanks!

  13. Plus lingerie diva November 8, 2010 at 6:19 am

    AWESOME! I’ve been looking for some good ratings plug-ins that are free but your list is the most comprehensive I’ve found so far. Thanks very much 🙂

  14. glazsasha December 13, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    Thanks for sharing. Does anybody knows how raiting input for GD Star Rating plugin in certain post?

  15. Satish December 16, 2010 at 12:18 pm

    I’m looking for a 5 star rating plugin Which can be used multiple times in a post or in a page just like polldaddy does

  16. Rodger - Décoration africaine February 10, 2011 at 6:54 pm

    I tested Post Star Rating but prefer GD Star Rating! Thank you for the list.

  17. Harish March 5, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    I am bit confused over the two: Wp-Post Ratings and GD-Star Ratings… can anyone tell me which one is better, all I need is to give every post multiple ratings by admin and also allow users to rate the post. I want a plug-in that is easy to use and lighter in code. Thanks in Advance.

  18. Tom June 22, 2013 at 2:38 pm

    Hi there

    Since this is an older post it might need an update since there are some ‘new kids on the blog’, like the Purpe Heart Rating Plugin for WordPress. It can be used for rating articles, media etc. and creates the stars in Google search results. Found it here: wp-buddy.com/products/plugins/purple-heart-rating-wordpress-plugin/
