20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form

Contact Form is one of the most important part of any website. User loves to use contact form for contacting with site owner.

Around the web, there are lots of site which is powered by WordPress. Like every WordPress users, I like to use plugins for WordPress. For making a contact form in WordPress powered site there is no other best thing to use a plugin. Here you’ll find some spam free well secured WordPress plugins for contact form. Hope WordPress users will love to use these.

contact form

1. Simple Contact Form

Providing a Simple, Super, Security and Ajax based contact form on your WordPress site at side bar. Entered contact us details are stored into database, to see that details go to ‘simple contact form” link under SETTING menu.

2. Contact form7

Contact Form 7 is a great choice, it is simple but flexible. Contact Form 7 can manage multiple contact forms; also you can customize forms and the mail contents flexibly with easy markup. The form supports Ajax powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and so on.

3. Tiny Contact Form

You can use this plugin within any post or page and also can add the widget to your sidebar.

4. WP Contact Form

WP Contact Form is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post.

5. SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF)

SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered contact form plugin for WordPress. SMCF is built on the jQuery JavaScript library and uses the SimpleModal modal dialog plugin.

6. WordPress-Ready Contact Form

This easy-to-install form has many accessibility, usability, and security features and it’s now a fast and easy-to-use plugin for WordPress web logs.

7. Grunion Contact Form

Add a contact form to any post or page by inserting [contact-form] in the post. Emails will be sent to the post’s author. Your email address is never shown, and the sender never learns it (unless you reply to the email). As seen on WordPress.com.

8. Enhanced WordPress contact form plugin

The plugin is made from Ryan Duff cool WordPress contact form plugin. It is the enhance version of that plugins, few simple additions: the referring page on the site, which made people decide to contact you, and the original referer, showing from which page or search engine they came.

9. CformsII

cforms is a powerful and feature rich form plugin for WordPress, offering convenient deployment of multiple Ajax driven contact forms throughout your blog or even on the same page.

10. Scaleable Contact Form Plugin

It is a plugin for providing a contact form on your WordPress site, which you can put anywhere in a post or site or call “scf_print_contact_form()” directly from a custom page.

11. Spam-Free Contact Form

Spam Free Contact Form. On errors, displays elegant error messages and confirmation messages on successful mail delivery.

12. MM Forms

By this plugin you can create your own forms and add them to pages and posts. Get notified by e-mail and/or RSS when someone submits a form. You can download all the submissions from the database as a csv-file.

13. WP Clean-Contact

A Clean, no hassle contact form plugin for WordPress, with advanced Spam protection that doesn’t require Captcha.

14. Cool Contact Form

Easy to use contact form. Displays nice looking validation errors and success messages on respective failure and success while sending the mail.

15. Contact Form Captcha

Easy to use contact form with captcha enabled. Displays nice looking validation errors and success messages on respective failure and success while sending the mail. The contact form can also have content of your own.

16. SF Contact Form

SF Contact Form is a WordPress plugin that provides a contact form for a WordPress website which integrates with the SalesForce.com web-2-lead function which allows the creation of leads in the SalesForce CRM system automatically from a user submitted contact form.

17. Visitor Contact Forms

Create stylish contact forms and sticky contact buttons web 2.0 style. Add all possible ways a visitor can contact you, a single click away.

18. Fast and Secure Contact Form

It is a fast and secure plugin for WordPress contact form. This contact form lets your visitors send you a quick E-mail message. It blocks all common spammer tactics. Spam is no longer a problem. Includes a CAPTCHA and Akismet. Does not require JavaScript.

19. Easy Contact

Easy Contact is a simple contact form that utilizes the Sandbox design patterns to create a highly semantic, XHTML-based contact form you can insert using [easy-contact] on any page or post.

20. WP-ContactForm

WP-ContactForm is a drop in form for users to contact you. It can be implemented on a page or a post.

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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by River Girl, Web Design News. Web Design News said: 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form http://bit.ly/4ToGC3 […]

  2. […] Visit link: 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form […]

  3. […] WordPress için 20 Kullanışlı İletişim Formu Eklentisi […]

  4. Marc Kuiper December 5, 2009 at 12:59 pm

    Thanks for sharing 🙂 It’s a great list!

  5. […] Visit Source. […]

  6. […] 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form – Toolbox – Geek Sucks Comments0 Leave a Reply Click here to cancel […]

  7. tripwire magazine | tripwire magazine December 5, 2009 at 7:48 pm

    […] 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form […]

  8. […] 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form […]

  9. Patty Zasloff December 6, 2009 at 3:04 pm

    Awesome post and so much useful information – thanks, Faisal!! 🙂

  10. […] Continue reading here: 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form – Toolbox – Geek Sucks […]

  11. Jenna Molby December 9, 2009 at 12:00 am

    Great post! My favorite plugin would have to be Contact Form 7. haven’t heard of some of the rest of them. Thanks!

  12. sriganesh December 11, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    i am using only contact form. came to know more pluings.
    -=-=- can you sugesst any plugin for community user feed. . iam using FV community, can i get any new that has subscribe RSS feature for user link and submission done in page, not in the side bar. like many other pro blogs using. can you tell me

  13. […] Fonte : Geeksucks […]

  14. turisuna December 25, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    Wow lots of recommendations here, I feel little bit confuse to decide which plugin should I choose. I will find out more in google, and thanks for this useful information.

  15. You are now listed on FAQPAL January 9, 2010 at 12:55 am

    20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form…

    Around the web, there are lots of site which is powered by WordPress. Like every WordPress users, I like to use plugins for WordPress. For making a contact form in WordPress powered site there is no other best thing to use a plugin. Here you’ll find so…

  16. […] 20 Useful WordPress Plugins for Contact Form […]

  17. Rainbow Skill January 17, 2010 at 7:11 am

    You gave the 20 Useful WordPress Plugins list that’s great. The post is helpful and informative too. Really nice. Thanks for the post.

  18. Rodney Daut March 26, 2010 at 7:32 am

    Do any of these plugins allow you to create a confirmation page? I am using one wordpress site to generate leads and need a confirmation page to measure my advertising efforts effectively.

  19. Jonathan April 21, 2010 at 3:21 am

    We’re also using Contact Form 7 but would like to know if the data can be stored in a database as an alternative to just emailing.

    Does anyone know if this is possible?

  20. Kim June 24, 2010 at 9:56 am

    @Jonathan – Did you get anywhere finding out if the data can be stored in a database with Contact Form 7? I also need to do this.

  21. Bertran November 13, 2010 at 11:52 pm

    Thanks for sharing dude!

  22. Robin November 28, 2010 at 6:45 am

    Very good collections of the contact forms this is really useful for all the one who searches for best Cforms 🙂