Does Inversion Therapy Cause Strokes And High Blood Pressure?

Are you a fitness enthusiast looking forward to practicing inversion exercises? But you have high blood pressure and wondering about Does Inversion Therapy Cause Strokes and High Blood Pressure? Well, if that is it what you are looking for, we assure you that you have landed to the right place.

After lots of research on this particular topic, our professional fitness experts have intended to share their insights with you regarding this topic. So, what else are you looking for? Just go through the lines and get to know your query in detail without delay. For more information: Pro Fitness Guide

Does Inversion Therapy Cause Strokes And High Blood Pressure?

Before we proceed to answer your query, we want to ask you a question. Just a single question! What do you think, what are therapies for? For the betterment of the fellow people?

Or to endanger their lives? If your answer is the first one, that means if you believe that therapies are for the betterment of the people, then keep scrolling and go through the post. Otherwise, google for something else.

We believe that all therapies are for the betterment of human health. And at the same time, we don’t refuse to agree that some therapies have side effects, some have other health risks too.

What you can actually do is- choosing the right way before you proceed further. You can consult your doctor or any fitness expert nearby to examine your overall health condition and then go for anything you like.

Now, let us come to the answer you are looking for.

Well, it is true that inversion therapy has some restriction, we mean, some health risks provided that if you have certain issues like the following:

  • Any kind of heart diseases
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma or any kind of breathing difficulties
  • Any kind of eye diseases like glaucoma
  • Inversion therapy during pregnancy might be risky too.

These are the common and well-known health issues get worse if you practice inversion therapy with any of these issues. Wondering why? Let us tell you in brief.

Why shouldn’t you Practice Inversion Therapy with these Issues?

If you have read the benefits of practicing inversion therapy in detail, we hope you have already got your answer. If you haven’t yet, let us tell you a bit.

It is known to all that most of the people practice inversion exercises to get rid of all sorts of pains, right? But along with reducing pain, inversion therapy also provide some other health benefits as well. And among them all, the notable one is- it increases blood circulation. Now, let us show you an equation.

For example, you have high blood pressure, and now you are going to invert on an inversion table, what will be the outcome?

High blood pressure + Increased amount of blood circulation (all over your body)!

Does it sound safe? Of course, a big NO!

Just for this reason, both doctors and fitness expert advice to avoid inversion therapy to the patient with high blood pressure. So, if you have any such issue, don’t forget to consult your doctor before attempting to inversion therapy.