The Top Tech Upgrades Your Business Can Make In 2021

Looking to make tech upgrades to your business this year? Implementing the best and latest technology is a smart way to boost your business and can help in many different ways, including streamlining the operation, reducing costs, and improving the customer experience amongst various other advantages. A good business owner will always be on the lookout for tech upgrades that they can make. Still, you will also find that this is challenging because technology evolves at a rapid rate and is often complicated and can be expensive. Here are a few of the best tech upgrades that you can make right now, which could help your business in many different ways.


Automation is one of the most significant tech developments in recent times and can help a business in many different ways. Automating repetitive tasks can speed up processes, streamline the operation, reduce workload for staff, reduce costs and allow you to function at maximum capacity, so you can certainly see why so many businesses are automating tasks in today’s day and age whether this is through apps, software or machinery.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is another tech trend that is changing the business world and can bring a multitude of benefits to your company. Switching to cloud computing can reduce IT costs, make it easy for staff to access data no matter where they are, enable remote working and outsourcing, improve security, improve loading times, and much more. In a time where flexible working is so important, cloud computing can make this much easier and benefit both the company and your employees.

Screen Sharing Software

Following this, screen sharing software is always useful as it allows you to show people as opposed to having to explain. This is particularly valuable in 2020 with many people being forced to work from home, so having this software available is useful for overcoming communication and collaboration issues that can occur with remote work.

Top tech upgrades businesses can make

Artificial Intelligence

AI has always been viewed as a futuristic type of technology, but it is now becoming commonplace in the workplace and will play a huge role in the years to come. AI can be used in a wide range of industries and in many different ways, such as:

  • Automate workloads
  • Virtual assistants
  • Optimize logistics
  • Data analysis
  • Predict behavior

Data Analytics Tools

Leading on from this, your business should be using data analysis tools that can help to drive the business forward and make smarter business decisions. The tools in advanced data analytics help you to gather, interpret, and manage vast sets of data, it allows you to identify patterns and trends which might have been difficult to spot otherwise. You can then use this information to take the risk out of strategic decisions and take action with confidence knowing that it is backed up by data.

Internet of Things

Similarly, internet of Things (IoT) devices can record and transfer data to other connected devices, and this intelligent type of technology can be useful in many different ways, including improving efficiency, reducing costs, and providing new insights. A few of the main ways that IoT is currently being used include:

  • Reduce maintenance costs
  • Smoother logistics
  • Data generation
  • New revenue
  • Smarter security

Smart Speaker

One tech upgrade which uses IoT is a smart speaker – while these are primarily used in the home, you will also find that they can be of great use in the office. Smart speakers can help with the daily workflow by acting as a personal assistant and being able to provide instant information when required. You will also find that it could be used to control the office environment, such as temperate control and lighting.


Every business in every industry needs to consider cybersecurity in 2020 as this is an enormous threat with businesses of all sizes being targeted. Digital threats continue to evolve and are becoming increasingly advanced. Still, there are lots of smart cybersecurity upgrades that you can make (in addition to knowing how to stay safe online). A few of the best cybersecurity upgrades to make in 2020 include:

  • Antivirus
  • VPN
  • Firewall
  • External backup devices
  • Endpoint protection
  • Two-factor authentication
  • Access control


It is clear that interest in blockchain is not fading with continued substantial investment from many large companies – this is no surprise because it can be a smart way to protect and secure data and remove the need for third-party authentication. In addition to the cybersecurity benefits of using blockchain, this type of technology can bring several other benefits too, including making cheaper payments, allowing you to get to know customers better and improve your marketing campaigns by tracking client information and consumer behavior.

Physical Security

Cybersecurity certainly needs to be a priority in today’s day and age. You should not overlook the importance of physical security too as securing the workplace is essential for stopping and deterring criminals but also for providing peace of mind for staff, customers, and anyone else involved with the business. Fortunately, there are several excellent security products available that will provide robust protection for your business. A few of the best examples include:

  • CCTV cameras
  • Intruder alarms
  • Perimeter alarms
  • Exterior lighting
  • Digital safe
  • Video Doorbell
  • Smart lock

For user-friendly options and installed-for-you services, or just to get an idea of what smart security systems cost nowadays, try searching Vivint price.

App Development

There are many reasons why your business should have a mobile app developed, and it is a smart upgrade to make this year. Modern-day consumers are always on their smartphones, so having a presence here in the form of an app can continuously remind them of your brand and ensure that you are at their fingertips no matter where they are. Of course, the app will need to be high-quality and serve a purpose for the consumer if they are to download it onto their smartphone. If they do this, you can then reach them at all times throughout the day with notifications and alerts.

SEO Reseller

SEO is essential for increasing brand awareness and directing more traffic to the company site but building a client’s presence online with SEO is a lengthy and arduous process. It is for this reason why many businesses and individuals partner with an SEO reseller like Click Intelligence so that your customers get the SEO services that they require but under your own brand name and reputation. This also allows you to focus on other areas of your business and provide an all-encompassing service.

HR Technology

HR can be a complex area to manage for any business, but it is also an incredibly important department that will determine your success. There are many HR tools and technologies which can now be used to streamline this area and provide real-time data for smarter decision making, as well as software and apps that staff can use to control their own data. These tools can help in all areas of HR, such as:

– Recruitment

  • Onboarding
  • Training
  • Engagement
  • Payroll
  • Health
  • Scheduling and time off


Of course, the arrival of 5G is highly anticipated and will be of great use for businesses in all industries. Essentially, the arrival of the fifth generation of mobile connectivity will provide much faster data speeds, higher device capacity, and intelligent IoT adoption, which can drive the company forward. With more and more people working from home in 2020, 5G will provide data speeds that will make it possible to work from practically anywhere and complete work at much faster rates.

Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality

People tend to first think of gaming when they think about virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). While they certainly are transforming the gaming world, you will also find that they are being used in all kinds of innovative ways in various different industries. There are many different uses for VR and AR, such as:

  • Product design
  • Product testing
  • Training
  • Simulations
  • Collaboration
  • Presenting

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology for employees is another useful tech upgrade to consider in 2020, especially for those working remotely. Wearable technology can improve productivity by giving easy access to data even if they are not at their desk, plus the data obtained from these devices can be useful in terms of maximizing performance, promoting health and safety by monitoring health stats and streamlining processes.

Contract Management Software

Contract management can be quite a tricky process, especially if you’re dealing with hundreds of contracts. you will need an entire department to manage them properly. However, one software can easily do what 20 contract managers can and many more. For example, it provides you with a full visual of your contract metadata which you can access remotely. It also identifies any errors and any weak spots in your contracts. It also helps with contract compliance with your creditors and debtors so everything will be crystal clear.

These are a few ideas for tech upgrades that you could make this year which could help your business to succeed in several different ways. Tech can be used to streamline, reduce costs, improve productivity, improve the customer experience, and various other benefits, but it is also an area that many business owners struggle with. This is largely because technology can be such a fast-changing, complicated, and expensive area to stay current with. Still, it is essential to stay current so that you can remain competitive and find ways to take the business forward so implementing a few of the above upgrades this year could make a big difference to your short and long-term success.

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