Tips to Keep Your Data Safe While Working Remotely

In this era, there is possibly no business that has its employees strictly confined to working within closed walls. There always will be someone working away from his desk, whether it is at the restaurant during a lunch break, carrying work at home or even working at a conference located in a different city.

Thanks to developers, tools such as MySQL remote backup allow you to back up your data to a remote server which in turn gives you access to your files from any corner of the world. It is something to be celebrated about. There are no more extended restrictions to where you need to be for you to keep the money coming in.

However, there are some concerns. The issue of data security when working remotely has not been tackled. It is up to you to ensure that as your enjoy working far away from the confinement of your boring office, your data is not exposed to any form of threat.

The following points will help you get productive in the comfort of your beach bed without having to worry about the security of your data.

  1. Keep your laptop and phone safe

Do not make it so easy for cybercriminals to get hold of your data. You do realize that if you don’t have adequate measures in place, for example, strong passwords, it will be so easy for them to get hold of your information.

The safest way around this is to ensure that you do not lose sight of your laptop and phones when you are out there. The next measure you can take is going strong on your passwords and having encryption for your PC.

You should also consider installing trackers to your devices so that you may be able to trace them in case they get lost.

  1. Removable devices

You should always scan USB sticks for viruses. It is essential especially if it is at a conference. Remember that the devices are mostly shared, and the chances of transferring malware to your laptop are very high.

Malware is notorious for corrupting data. Stay safe by having your IT team to check the devices for you before you put them to use.

  1. Use of public wireless networks

Everyone wants to hang out at that particular restaurant that has free Wi-Fi. Did you know that you are most vulnerable to malicious attacks through such networks? Connecting to only trusted networks may not be an effective way to go about it.

Your security policies should cover restrictions on using public Wi-Fi for any sensitive business activities. Make your team or employees understand the significance of keeping critical business activities away from public networks.

  1. Make use of cloud storage

Data that is stored in the cloud is safe from theft and hackers. Cloud storage allows you to access your data anywhere at any time at little or no cost.

One-Drive and Dropbox are among the services that you could use for cloud storage. Remember that with online storage, you will not have to carry your laptop around, as you can be able to access your file by using any device.

  1. Use hotspot

It is an antidote for public Wi-Fi. By using your mobile hotspot, you will be able to shield yourself from the dangers of using public wireless networks.

  1. Do not ignore software updates

Many people tend to dismiss update notifications. Brushing off updates will only present hackers with the opportunity to invade your data.

Make sure your software is also up to date, at the same time do not accept updates from unknown sources.

  1. Create strong passwords

Sometimes you may become too lazy to get creative with your passwords. Obvious passwords will not give you the security you need. Changing your passwords regularly is also a smart way of keeping invaders away.

Do not also be tempted to use the same password for all your accounts; it will create leeway for malice. The good news is that there is software that can also assist you in creating passwords that are hacker-resistant.8

  1. Negligence

If you are fond of taking your work home, consider working in your study or have your laptop on 100 percent of your surveillance,

Children will innocently press buttons only for you to find out that a couple of files are missing. You can also consider coming up with policies regarding negligence for the workforce while working remotely.

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