Basics to Know Before You Start a Blog and Make Money Online

You must have heard about bloggers making loads of money through online activities and might be eager to jump the bandwagon. Many people are excited about blogging but get discouraged and give up after some time. But, if you follow the right ways, you can start a blog and make money online.

Blogging Needs Lots of Effort

Achieving online success or making money has never been easy, and you should be ready to work hard. It helps if you put effort and time into researching, writing, editing, sourcing images, etc. Publishing a blog is not enough; you need to promote it on various networks.

Prepare to not have many visitors during the initial days of starting the blog – Success does not come overnight. It will take months to have a significant number of followers to your blog, especially if you have selected a competitive or crowded niche. It would help if you never stopped working hard until you succeed.

start blogging and make easy money from online

Blogging Is Not the Easiest Way of Making Money Online

If you are attracted to blogging to make loads of money, you need some rethinking. You may have heard some bloggers earning thousands of dollars every month. But do you know they have reached this point after years of consistent hard work and patience?

If you are looking for faster ways to start a blog and make money online, you need to look elsewhere. Blogging for the right reasons can help you earn good money, but that will take time.

Select a Niche

There are millions of blogs – 600 million blogs and 1.7 billion websites and counting. The figures indicate how fierce the competition will be.  Before starting a blog, you first need to select a niche. This will reduce some competition, and you can target a select audience.

With the right niche, you will know who the readers would be and how you should reach your target audience. You should be passionate about the subject/niche you are writing for, and you should be able to produce interesting and useful content. It is essential sustaining motivation is easy when you are doing things that you love.

You Need to Learn New Things

Unless you are a tech-savvy person and know how to upload and post online, there will be a small learning curve for you. Learn several new things like uploading articles, inserting images in the post, formatting the post, performing basic SEO, and analytics.

Also, you have to keep yourself updated about changes in Google SEO techniques and rules to ensure your blog has excellent visibility for targeted keywords. Many online resources can help you learn about basic SEO and things you need to do to attract visitors to your blog.

Post-Great Content Only

Content is the most important thing, and Google values it most. Just having a good blog theme or funny blog name won’t bring traffic to your blog. You need well-written great content to bring the audience. Exciting content is often shared by visitors that expand your online reach.

By now, you must have understood how to start a blog and make money online. There will be pitfalls on the way. But, now that you know important things, you would avoid common mistakes others do. The tips given above will help you start a successful blog and also make money online.

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