Building your brand. 4 ways to keep your brand image consistent

We all strive to look our best on social media. It’s where we share our latest triumphs, our success, and where we force the narrative that we’re successful and ultimately, happy. It’s somewhat of a highlights reel of all the best bits of our lives. This approach is also relevant to anyone who is running working in marketing. 

Maintaining a strong brand identity across all your social media platforms is essential when it comes to building a rapport with customers, gaining their trust, and getting your message out there. While it might not matter too much if the engagement on your latest selfie is a little poorer than normal when it comes to business, engagement is crucial for propelling your organization forward and one of the best ways to achieve this is by keeping your brand image constant.

Here we’ll explore how to build up the brand you’re working on and how to keep company images and branding, consistent. 

Invest in the right software

Struggling to keep on top of all those files and digital assets isn’t easy. And when you’re dealing with multiple logos, themes, colors that are all jumbled together, that’s when mistakes are likely to be made. Investing in digital management software, like the options available at will keep you ahead of your competition and your files protected and organized. This user-friendly and personalized library of your digital assets keeps all your files in one easy to navigate place and helps keep brand images consistent.

brand building

Remember, keeping brand images constant is key to building trust with your clients. Even the smallest discrepancy with your logo or the tone of your posts can evoke a sense of caution and distrust with any potential customers. Severely harming your progress!

Don’t forget your tone

From your emails to your IMs, your tone is everything. And in business, it’s key to keeping your business image constant and your company message clear. Whatever tone you choose, it must be reflected and communicated in all your posts. Are you using emojis with your playful tone? Are you serious and knowledgeable? Or are you blasé and laid back? 

The tone you choose could be influenced by the industry you’re in, however, it’s important to recognize that your tone will dictate how your followers view you, so ensure it’s appealing to your chosen demographic. 

Be consistently “human”

Long gone are the days of elusive business giants and scary CEOs. These days, building trust and revealing the face of your department is what your customers want. They’re no longer just investing in services and products you provide – they’re investing in you! Show your human side and take your time to respond to all comments and reviews. It’ll keep things consistent across your social media platforms and your customers can expect transparent communication. 

And finally, don’t forget your colors

When a customer begins to associate a certain color with a brand, you know you’ve done your job right. Keep your chosen shades and designs on all your printed materials, email headers, and all other digital resources. It’s a simple yet effective way to maintain brand consistency across all your channels and build trust and recognition with your customers.

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